MCAT Question of the Day

  • Q:

    A high school science experiment is testing volume displacement and buoyant force by taping a solid weight on top of a solid styrofoam box. The box is then placed in a pool and floats. But, due to the weight on top of the box, the water line is flush with the top surface of the box ("Surface A"), so it looks like just the weight is floating (with the styrofoam box submerged under it). If the teacher flips the box over such that "Surface A" is facing downward (and "Surface B" is now towards the top), where will the new water line be?



    The water line will be flush with Surface B


    Now that the weight is submerged and facing downward, the entire box will sink


    Due to the buoyant force, the box will rotate itself back to the original arrangement


    Now that the weight is submerged and facing downward, the water line will be between Surface A and Surface B



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